Every space is a closed organism that, like the human body, has its own energy field. Just as we humans are shaped by our history, the energy field of a place also stores everything that has been lived and thought. Stressful influences can permanently reduce the level of life energy. Current circumstances such as adjacent rooms or building materials can also affect the energy field. If the strain on the energy field becomes too high, it becomes difficult to achieve goals and give space to personal needs. The ROOM SPIRIT consultation optimizes the existing energy field: imprints of the place that block the flow of energy are dissolved and the energetic level of the rooms increases.
I analyze the existing energy field and locate energetic weak points. I will then show the benefits and expected results of ROOM SPIRIT advice and implementation. Depending on the effort involved, the implementation can take one to several days on site. No external renovation work is necessary. If desired, an introductory day can be booked for employees following implementation to communicate and integrate the results. Work tasks can also be distributed here to support the integration and further use of the results beyond the introductory day.
“I was actually skeptical before Mr. Westermeier's Feng Shui advise and didn't think that it could have any effect. Mr. Westermeier “treated” my business premises almost a year ago and I attended two more individual sessions with him. The fact is that I will now be completing the most successful business year of my 15 years of self-employment. Despite a lot of work, my employees and I have incredibly enjoyed our work and our interactions with each other have become even better and more satisfied!”
Managing director of the travel agency TUI Ferienwelt Guido Massar,
Thank you very much for the great help. I struggled with changes in my company for a long time and didn't really manage to implement my ideas. Be it the facility, the offerings or new employees, I kept falling back into old behavior patterns. Now, after the changed energy flow in our rooms, things are much easier. The pressure of family tradition and the history of the house no longer has a negative impact on our actions. There is room for new things, which really inspires me, despite all the work in a health food store. Unmotivated employees left the health food store and a new employee found me who supports me in the management and is even a nutritionist, a dream for the health food store! It's a completely different atmosphere here.
Managing Director of the Reformhaus Börmel-Ernst,
What I remember best (from both) is the clarity that set in afterwards in the rooms. I can't even describe it, it was a bit like someone had "cleaned" the atmosphere.
J.Koppe, private apartments
When I came back to the shop for the first time after the Feng Shui work, I felt like I could breathe more and there was a clear, positive atmosphere. I got more and more energy and drive in the rooms and was motivated to try new things. In fact, many new customers found their way into the store. What I noticed more and more about myself was that I no longer pondered so much, but rather simply did things.
J. Pickert, JP/CUT hair salon